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TOP #1 NODE PROVIDER on telegram




1 node

1 month

Semi-Private node

Unlimited calls

NVME speed

Low latency


1 node

3 months

Semi-Private node

Unlimited calls

NVME speed

Low latency


2 nodes

1 months

Semi-Private node

Unlimited calls

NVME speed

Low latency


2 nodes

3 months

Semi-Private node

Unlimited calls

NVME speed

Low latency


Setup Private node on your server

We install a private node on your own server.

We will recommend you which server to buy.

80$ / node setup

(server cost not-included)


All these REAL feedbacks are from our telegram customers

Very good service, everything works properly! I have already ordered 2 private node bsc and 1 semi for ftm! thx @zdarfa

Smashy Flash

I can vouch for @zdarfa ‘s, will keep using his services. Always very fast to answer and very patient when answering to my noob questions. 100% recommended. And of course the nodes work flawlessly.

x Valor

hi @zdarfa, thanks for help me to get all setup and start making money, the speed its amazing, 100% recommended


Thank you for your service! @zdarfa ’s team was great and patient, instructions were extremely clear. Node works well. Would be happy to promote/share and continue using their service


thanks very much to @zdarfa, rly good service on setting up my private node. It took way less time than he said in the beginning. answered me a lot of questions outside of his service! when i need a service again, i will choose his, thanks 🙂

Slava Ukraini!

i always did same block snipe (95% of my snipes), and it works without big problems. pairing private node from @zdarfa with same vps, it does 0-1 ms on latency.

osama b. tsr

Hey thank you for the quickness in which you deliver i am happy with the service @zdarfa


@zdarfa delivered a very fast (1-2ms) semi private node for me and setting everything up was easy with the help of an informative YouTube video, would recommend


I got into sniping a few weeks ago but failed miserably due to bad latency. If you want to improve your sniping and try to up your game then @zdarfa node service is easily the best bang for your buck

Ti Mo

I am a person who’s pretty bad with techincal stuff and therefore i was pleasantly surprised with how smooth everything went here. I have to thank @zdarfa for the top tier communication. Even though I didn’t need much help because the instrucional video on how to set up the private node was crystal clear. 👍

Detective Degen🕵🏻‍♂️

@zdarfa is reliable, fast and skilled.
Last but not least very responsive on the project.
I’m glad I I’ve been working with him


Very quick and nice response, patience with answering questions. I am super satisfied with the private node and @zdarfa expertise. Thanks for great support!

M R ®


You can find a few answers here, but don't hesitate to ask us directly !

To make it short:
A node is a « copy » of a blockchain and has the ability to be used as a RPC to send transactions to the chain network.
These nodes are installed on powerful dedicated servers.
Public nodes are always overwhelmed by all the public transactions of the chain. Theses nodes are used by thousands users.

Our semi-private node are used by max 10 users,  and a private node is only used.. by you.

Our nodes are also tweaked to give a faster experience and better results to bots users.

With your private (or semi-private) node, you have your own endpoint and you are way faster than the average user. This speed is also required to read pending transactions (aka Txpool, aka Mempool).

– Our semi-private node is used by max 10 users ( your tx is instantly sent to the network, no queue)
– You will receive WS + HTTP endpoint address to use  with any of your bots.

Please contact us on telegram. We will explain all the process by chat,  and don’t hesitate to ask us any questions.

We prefere a real contact and real explanations than pre-formatted answers on a FAQ. You all have different setups, and it’s easier to make tailored discussion.

Our Semi-Private nodes are « Premium » because You share one of our server node bandwith with only MAX 10 other customers per node.
Bear in mind public nodes are shared with thousands..
and so-called « private nodes » from other companies are shared with hundreds ! 

With our PREMIUM semi-private nodes,
You have a PRO Full Node connexion !

Semi-private node:

You will receive an access to one of my nodes endpoints (ws + http )
You share one of my  nodes bandwith with 10 other customers. (public nodes are shared with thousands..)Average Latency is around 2-3 ms
You have a PRO full node connexion for cheap.
I provide full maintenance and 99.99% uptime on my nodes.

Private Node: 

It’s your own node, on your own server.

You are not sharing bandwith with anyone.
Latency can be from 0ms to 2ms (2ms if your bot is on windows)
(if you follow my advice)
You can decide to modify settings of the nodes 
You can invite friends to use it (share the node endpoints)
You can install a linux bot directly on the node to have a 0ms latency..

To have a private full node , you need to rent a powerful dedicated server.
i will show you what server to rent. This cost is on your side, i am not involved in it.
When you receive your server, i will install the private node on it.

Feel free to ask me any informations about my services, contact me on telegram !

To use our semi-private node, you need a VPS (a server), and you need to install your bot on it.
We will tell you what VPS to buy, and if your bot is on windows, we will provide VIDEO TUTORIAL to install  windows on the VPS.
Don’t worry ! Our video tutorials are really noob friendly !

Why a VPS ?
Your bot on a VPS near our node server will give you the best results and the lowest latency (low latency is very important to have successful transactions) .

Nodes endpoints are just an address you will add on your bot settings. 
You don’t need to have any specials knowledge and we will send you video tutorial for your vps etc.. it’s very easy to use and completely noob friendly.

Yes we do.

When you bring a new customer, you receive 5 extra days on your subscription.
You need to be a customer to use referral program.

To be a valid referral,  The person you sent needs to mention your TG name before paying.